How many downloads do the NYC iOS and Android apps have

#The DOITT says that the following are the download numbers for NYC apps

App Name Number of Current Device Installs
Android NYC311 78115
Android NYCBuildings 8001
Android NYCEvents 4252
Android ReadyNYC 1323
iOS NYC311 189099
iOS NYCBuildings 15236
iOS NYCMedia App 8735
iOS Stuff 6418
iOS NYCEvents 7302
iOS ReadyNYC 4128
iOS NYCRecycles 2551
iOS NYCService 1600

Potentially 3% of NYC downloaded a 311 app, thats higher than I would have thought.

Source Data

The source data is from a Freedom of Information Law Request (FOIL) made to the New York City DOITT

see source here

I wonder how much money was spent on the apps? Developed External or Internal to DOITT?

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